Behold the ultimate tribute show that has captivated audiences nationwide! Presented by the dynamic duo of Craig Woodward and Ally Friendship, the Australian Keith Urban & Shania Twain Show is a production that sets a new standard of excellence in live entertainment. Prepare to be dazzled by Australia’s finest tribute artists as they pay homage to the Queen of Country Rock and the Grammy Award-winning legend himself.
This one-of-a-kind spectacle celebrates the very best of country music and delivers a performance like no other. Get ready to sing along to all your favourite hits including the iconic tunes, ‘Man I Feel Like A Woman’, ‘From This Moment’, ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’, ‘Somebody Like You’, ‘Blue Ain’t Your Colour’, ‘You Look Good In My Shirt’ and many more.
As an added bonus Craig will also perform a selection of HITS from his Australian Bryan Adams Tribute Show – Heaven, Everything I do, Run to you and Summer of 69′ plus more surprises along the way…
Accompanied by a stellar band and stunning video tributes to these beloved artists, this show has consistently wowed packed audiences all over the country. And now, it’s your turn to experience the magic of Urban and Twain in what can only be described as (The Ultimate Tribute Show). Don’t miss out on this unforgettable night of country music entertainment.