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15 January 2023 @ 7:30 pm

Country Turns Pink: A Tribute to Olivia Newton-John


The 2023 Country Turns Pink is going to be full of surprises.


The Wests Group thought it would be a great idea to tribute the show to the late, Olivia Newton-John.


Several of the female artists on the show will be showcasing songs from Olivia but we don’t want to give too much away.


We have some new faces this year including very talented 16-year-old Gemma Tiller whose country roots run deep for such a young age.


South Australia’s Caitlin Drew is also joining the line-up who was a huge hit at the 2022 Mildura-Wentworth Music Festival.


Some favourites are back as well as some extra special, award-winning artists who will be revealed on the night.


Pop over to Wests website to secure your tickets now and help support the Cancer Council of New England as all funds raised on the night will be donated to our local cancer council.

The band is pumped and all the artists are donating their time for this festival favourite fundraiser.